Elementor #16509
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Woodworking in Mark’s Class

Mark’s class (and some other helpers) were busy over the last week or two making a mud kitchen for our outdoor play area which is used by the school and our after-schools club. We recycled some old kitchen countertops and will be adding some painted pallets and more timber next week. We learned how to […]
Assembly Report (Infants)

Well done to the stars of this week’s Infant Assembly!
Assembly Report (Seniors)

Well done to all our students of the week and to our Golden Rules Champions.
Acorn Planting in Tricia’s Class

Tricia’s class planted acorn seeds today…we are patiently waiting for them to grow into oak trees
News from Angela’s Class

The class have been very busy learning all about Autumn and Halloween. The children got to plant conkers and got to feel the compost . They watered their pots afterwards. The children enjoyed painting pumpkins, decorating hedgehogs, and learning all about spiders.
From darkness into light

60 children from Erin’s, Cliona’s and Mark’s classes had a great trip today which started with orienteering in the grounds of Kilkenny castle. The children (and adults) worked in pairs to complete a course which required map-reading skills and got some great exercise. Afterwards, they visited Dunmore Caves.