Our school’s vision can be summed up in three words:

Since the school opened in 2008, we have aspired to make sure that everyone within our community feels part of that vision. We believe that everyone – that is all children, all families and all staff – have the right to be happy, be safe and be able to learn.
We try to do this in many ways. We pride ourselves on the excitement we hear when we open the school gates every morning. Our children bound into the school each day full of happiness and excitement. We make sure that while they are in our school, that we keep them safe. This doesn’t only mean physically safe; we also take care of their emotional safety and ensure that they have a feeling of safety throughout the day. Our teachers and staff ensure that every child has a child-centred education and we make sure that families are aware of their progress.
We offer a range of extra-curricular activities to children and to parents. Pupils in our school have been offered activities such as Speech and Drama, chess, music theory, guitar and much more after school. We also have a dedicated pre-school and after-school club for families that need their children supervised before and after school. Parents are offered a range of courses too. We are currently working with Carlow-Kilkenny ETB running courses for parents such as Adult Literacy, technology, homeopathy and craft. You can sign up for courses in the school or by emailing our Home School Liaison Teacher. Every Friday we invite parents to have tea/coffee in the school. It’s a great way to meet new people and possibly make new friends.
Our staff are given opportunities to develop their skills and they take part in a huge amount of professional development. As well as their general qualifications, many of our staff are fully trained in specialised areas, including ASD, First Aid, Reading Recovery, Maths Recovery and First Steps Literacy.