Floating and Sinking in 1st Class

1st class enjoyed learning all about floating and sinking in their science lesson last week. They had great fun estimating and checking if various objects floated / sank in basins of water. Here are some pictures of their experiment.

Dyspraxia Talk for Parents

Carlow Educate Together hosted a talk for parents about dyspraxia, from Dyspraxia Ireland. Harry Owen came to the school to speak about how parents can help their children and how his organisation can help parents. Parents were also encouraged to set up a local group. Over 30 people attended the talk and feedback was excellent. […]

Third Class write their first blog!

This week in Third Class our topic was Tom Crean. Our writing genre was Recount. We were using it with the story of Tom Crean Ice Man, asking Who, What, Where, When and Why about it. Then we wrote diaries pretending we were Tom Crean.   We learned about Antarctica and all about Penguins. I […]

Student Council meet Educate Together

The student council had their first meeting of their term with Sandra Roe who is doing research on an Educate Together framework. The students gave their feedback on what they believe makes an Educate Together school different to other schools and ways that Educate Together can improve the way they work with children. Sandra was delighted […]

Fun in the Snow

Vicky’s class ( even the big kids!!) had a great time playing in the snow today!

Erin’s Snowman

Junior infants took advantage of the snow today and went outside to play. We all worked together to make a snowman. We have him in our class now and will watch him to see what happens throughout the day! Snowman update: As the day progressed our snowman got increasingly haggard looking. By home time, he […]