Seeing as we’re stuck home with this snowy weather, we’ve been asking parents to upload photographs of outside their house. Children from the school get to write a little bit about them and we’re making a gallery of photos here. If you’d like to join in, please log on to our Facebook page and upload your photos. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can email them to the school:
No play house or Swing Ball for me 🙂 Lia
this is a picture of the christmas tree my dad put up outside my house from sophie
From Karen in Fine Framers: Just thought I’d send your a photo of the School, just in case any of your pupils are missing it. You might like to upload it so they can see how it looks in the snow.
Lovely to see all the photos, just a few to add from Castledermot
me and my brother havin fun in the snow from sophie i ♥ snow days
This is what I can see from my brothers bedroom window, my 2 dogs, Kye & Champ, kye is the big dog out in the snow, Champ is the little one hiding in the kennel . They really ♥ the snow too just like me ♥
This is what I can see from my sitting room window, no swinging for me.
This is Simon’s back garden. It’s probably missing a snowman.