This week we are learning all about the hospital in Senior Infants. We made fantastic ambulances in art.
We were learning all about shapes in Maths and had great fun when we went on a shape hunt in the school looking for cylinders, spheres and cubes.
We were delighted to welcome Nurse Sarah and Nurse Timmy who gave us the opportunity to weigh and measure babies, check our blood pressure and listen to our heartbeat using a stethoscope. A big thank you to our parents for coming in.
We played in the Hospital in our Aistear role play area taking x-rays and operating on each other.
In science we learned all about the function of the heart, brain and lungs and we then drew life sized pictures adding the new organs that we learned about.
We also learned head shoulders knees and toes as Gaeilge. We had a really fun week learning about the hospital.