Fun in Vicky’s Class

Vicky’s class have been having fun in class.
Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Internet Day and 5th and 6th class spent some time learning about how to use the Internet safely. They watched a video: After that they did a quiz and discussed being safe on the Internet. Next they made posters with messages to help people stay safe on the web.
Break in in Junior Infants!

We had a break-in in Junior Infants! Some characters came into our classroom during the night and messed up things in our room. They left clues for us to solve. We measured their footprints and discovered that the giant, the bean-seller, Buttercup the cow and Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk were the […]
Jack and the Beanstalk in Junior Infants

Today, we were lucky enough to have some parents and siblings of the children in our class. They played some games with us based on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We acted out the story, played board games and bingo based on the story, made magic beans, eggs and coins […]
Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Last week in Junior Infants we sang the song The Teddy Bear’s Picnic. On Friday the children brought in their own teddy bears and we shared our lunch with them. It was lots of fun!
Reading in Junior Infants

Junior Infants are very busy this week reading their new books. Practice makes perfect!
Having fun doing p.e. in Vicky’s Class

Happy Christmas!

Santa came to visit today and everyone in the school got a lovely present. Below is a picture of 2nd class with Santa. You can see therest of the photos on our Facebook page and a big thank you to Ian Pelly for taking the photographs. We hope you have a lovely break and we’ll […]
Fun in Vicky’s Class

First Children into the new school

Here’s a snap of the first children that came into the school on Tuesday morning. Which class is it?