Welcome to the voting page of our Board of Management. This is where you vote for your Parent Representative. In order to vote, you need the unique code that was sent to you by email. You can read about each candidate and then cast your vote below. The closing time/date for votes is 9am on 27th October. The successful candidates will be informed before the end of the day.

  • Kelly’s children are enrolled in 3rd Class and a Junior infant in September 2024. 
  • Why she would like to be the parent rep. – I think this is a great opportunity to gain better understanding of operation procedures and school’s policies.  Contributing to solve management issues  from a parent perspective.  I work in South East Technological University Research department, I’m the Secretary of Technology Gateway Operation Committee and Commercialisation Committee of the University, and a member of the Governing Body Sub committee -EDI.  It’s be interesting to see the governance difference in different public fund bodies. 
  • Sinéad’s children are enrolled in: 4th class and 2nd class and one is enrolled for the 2024 Junior Infant intake.
  • Why she would like to be the parent rep: I would love the opportunity to be a parent rep on the Board of Management. With children in both the junior and the senior part of the part school as well as volunteering in the library since last year, I have been able to get to know the school, both staff and other parents. I would love to continue this involvement and get to know more about school. As I work in Carlow Volunteer Centre, I understand also the importance and the impact of volunteering.
  • Linda’s child is enrolled in: 3rd class
  • Why she would like to be the parent rep: I would like to be on the board of management to be more involved in my daughter’s education .   I am a single mother who left school when I was 15 with just a junior cert. I have recently re educated myself and I am now a qualified account technician and work for a company full time. During my studying I took a keen interest in law and business aswell as taxation and would love to see how a school operates  in that capacity. With my life experience I think I can definitely bring a different perspective on parenting and education. 
  • Kenneth’s children are enrolled in: 6th Class, 2nd Class and Senior Infants 
  • Why he would like to be the parent rep: I would welcome the opportunity to be a parent representative on the board of Management for Carlow Educate Together.I am the father of 3 children that currently attend your school. I am aware of all the hard work that you do to ensure that the children that attend the school have a fun and enjoyable experience alongside their educational experience.This would be a good opportunity to see how this is achieved behind the scenes.
  • Jason’s child is enrolled in: Senior Infants 
  • Why he would like to be the parent rep: I simply care a great deal about Faye’s education and the values she will learn in Educate Together. If I can be of service to the school and help problem solve on various issues then I am all for helping and putting my name forward. I found school rather challenging growing up and I failed to apply myself because of a lack of focus and interest. Math was the only subject that ever appealed to me. I spent the best part of a decade educating myself in my twenties. History, writing, and more math became my focus and in recent times I developed a thirst for how things work which evolved into starting my own events company. I may bring something to the table but who knows. I am willing to listen and learn and if that preparation meets opportunity to help then I am more than happy to do so.

    I feel I should share more about myself because of this role. From my early twenties to early thirties I was a professional tournament poker player. I was taught many life lessons from this profession. I learned about equity, maths combinations and that being results based is not the best outlook to have on life. It was such a huge net positive for me as a person. I have now moved on from playing professionally to opening my events company which is designed around poker. This has afforded me an insight into how to stay the course on one’s principles and policy, solving management issues and recruitment.