Hi there from everyone in 2nd and 3rd class,
We have been settling in well after the Christmas break. It was sad for us to say goodbye to Ciara, but Emer (yet another one!) thinks that we have been really kind at welcoming her to our school.
Since we came back 2nd class have been learning about area in Maths. We were measuring the area of our tables with different items. First we had to estimate how many cards, envelopes, copies or books it would take to cover our tables. Then we had to measure it out and compare our answers.
Last Monday was Martin Luther King day. We watched a short clip about Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and the human rights movement in the USA. Martin Luther King made a difference to people’s lives. He had a dream. We have been discussing our hopes and dreams too. We know that we could make a difference in this world. We are going do be doing some more work on this next week so watch this space!
We have also been talking about different types of houses and homes. We looked at houses in the past and the different types of houses in Ireland. There are many different houses all over the world.
In Art we planned our dream houses and then drew them. After that we made our houses out of clay. It’s very messy but we all like the feeling of the clay between our fingers!
Have a look at some of our fabulous Art work.
- Our exhibition
Our works of art!