The first newsletter of 2012 is now published. Please check bags today or check out the Newsletters section on the web site.  Below is Simon’s monthly letter to parents.

Dear parents/guardians,

First of all, let me take the opportunity to wish you a very happy new year.  I hope you and your families had a lovely break and that you’re all settled back into school again.

This month we had the very exciting news that planning permission has been granted for our new school building.  Pending any appeals, it looks like the project will be able to commence very soon.  I spoke with the lead developer in the Department of Education and Skills and he was positive that we should be in our new building by September 2013 so exciting times ahead.  We should be very grateful to all the people who have helped to make this happen.  Carlow Educate Together Association was started by a group of parents in 2006.  Within 2½ years, they managed to open our current school in September 2008.  It is testament to their hard work that this school has come so far in such a short space of time.  Many of this group are now parents in our school.

In this newsletter, we’ll be looking at all the great work being done in the school by teachers, children and parents.  Our parents’ council is going from strength to strength.  Their support keeps this school going and allows children to take part in things like PE in the VEC and other great initiatives.

Until next month, enjoy the rest of January and keep in touch!
