Healthy Eating Week starts next week! This year it’s even better than ever!
On Monday and Tuesday, children will be learning different lessons about Healthy Eating in their classrooms.
On Wednesday, you are invited to join us for Simon’s Special Smoothies! Last year, Simon donned his apron and made some of his favourite smoothies, which everybody got to try. This year, we’ll get to taste Rhonda’s Granola and Kasia’s Pancakes and Hugo will be bringing in a real apple pressing machine so you can make your own apple juice! There’s also tea and coffee to perk you up for the day.
Children will be getting to build their own sandwich from a delicious array of ingredients and they’ll also have the chance to taste some exotic fruits and vegetables from all around the world.
On Thursday, we’ll be visited by a dental technician who’ll be talking to children about keeping their teeth healthy.
On Friday, it’s a special Childline Breakfast. This year we’re asking everyone (parents, staff and children) to come to school in their pyjamas and join us for a big breakfast, thanks to Cheerios. Everyone is welcome and we’d love to see as many families as possible in the school. A donation of €2 to Childline would be appreciated.