Bhain na paistí a lán taitneamh as an tSeachtain na Gaeilge. Ghlac said pairt i Ceilí mór san halla, bhí a lán amhráin a chanadh acu agus a lán craic is sport is spraoi!
March has been an exceptionally busy month in third class. Our Friendship week class display was given first place in the school competition and our photograph was taken for the newspaper. Well done to all children and their parents for creating such a wonderful display!
Third Class has also been selected to represent Carlow on the GAA promotional video and we were busy taking and re-taking the video during the week. We are looking forward to seeing the finished product!
During Seachtain na nGaeilge the children started to learn the tin whistle and are really enjoying it! They watched Trisha play the violin and a demonstration of the Uilleann Pipes and tin whistle played by an all Ireland Champion and were full of enthusiasm afterwards!
They have settled into their swimming lessons and finished up with their soccer coaching last week. A special thanks to the coaches!
Last week our core value was Peace (Siochán as Gaeilge) and the children created a wonderful poster representing all the nationalities from around the world. It is on display in the main foyer.
Finally I would like to end by wishing you all a Lá Feile Padraig from all in Third Class.