Science Week

Junior Infants were very busy during science week. We experimented with magnets and went on a search for magnetic and non magnetic items. We made musical instruments using pasta, rice and bells. We explored how to make raisins dance and how sound moves in vibrations. We joined Susanne and Gillian’s classes and made coke explode […]

Assembly Report

Today’s assembly was given by Clare and here are the photos of our students of the week, Golden Book winner and Golden Rules  champion.

School Band News

Today the school band started the process of recording Our School Song😊 rock stars in the making😊

Science Week in 1st Class

1st class completed some fun experiments during science week. They learned about light and how shadows are formed. They then carried out an experiment to try and create some shadows themselves. They also learned about static electricity and carried out a fun experiment to test the effects of static electricity on various items. Here are […]

Dance in 1st Class

This week, 1st class took part in some dancing during their PE lesson. They learned to develop and explore movements of different body parts, during a fun “ping pong ball” dance. They also completed some group and pair work during a ” mirror image” dance and a “body jive” dance. We have some great dancers […]

Science Week

We had great fun this week with Science.  We experimented with static electricity by rubbing balloons against our hair and clothes.  We discussed forces and used our balloons as rockets.  Then we watched the force of a chemical reaction which caused our bottle of cola to explode!  Here are some photos.

Houses and Homes

Our theme for this fortnight is “Houses and Homes”.  We have been really busy looking at houses and homes from different countries; yurts, igloos, tree-houses and even houses on stilts. We read the story of “The Three Little Pigs” and worked on a display in our Art lesson. We’re having great fun in Aistear with this […]