Paul Rowe Visits the New School

Paul Rowe, the CEO of Educate Together, came down to visit us on our opening day to meet the children and staff. Simon and Eleanor showed him around the new building. The children had a special assembly to welcome them to the school. Paul also spoke to the children and told them there are now […]

We love the new school!

On Wednesday last we took a tour of the new school. We got to look at Siobhan’s office, Simon’s office, the library, our new classroom, the yard and the area the children loved most of all- the P.E Hall! Here are some pictures of our trip.

Second Class Update

Second class have been working very hard. We have started to use station work in class which we really enjoy because we get the chance to try a new station every day. We also went on a scavenge hunt in search of square corners and symmetrical shapes. We found lots of shapes including gates, walls, […]